Find us at the
ABC Dementia
Course & Community

Hey there, so glad you found me!

I spend most of my time now at the ABC Dementia Course & Community. Thanks for your patience as I get things set up there cleaned up here. 

Come check out the 
...robust Resource Library,
...message boards, events,
and all the rest!

I'd love to see you there!


Welcome to
ABC Dementia

The home of

Communication in

Help people with dementia
feel and function at their best.

The ABC Dementia Course & Community

The heart of your support system

A place to access the experts and resources you need…but more than a resource hub.

A place to learn what you need to know about supporting someone with cognitive changes… but more than education.

It’s a community of amazing people that will support you over the long term.

So you don’t have to waste your


Energy or

Precious time

trying to figure this out on your own.

We can do this together.

The ABC Dementia Course & Community provides online education, support, and inspiration

to family members and caregivers of people living with dementia.

- Come for quick, self-paced lessons.

- Get your affairs in order.

- Learn what you need to know to for the road ahead.

- Access resources and planning guides.

- Join informal live chats with experts and caregiving consultants.

- Avoid the challenges caregivers often encounter.

- Forge lasting relationships with others who understand.

- Share tips and tricks, practical information, inspiration, hope, laughter and tears.

- Stay as long as you like in a safe place to open up and just be heard.

ABC Dementia This Week Newsletter 

Subscribe to the newsletter for a small weekly dose of tips, resources and special offers to help you Appreciate Behavioral Communication in Dementia and support someone with dementia to feel and function at their best!

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