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ABC Dementia
Course & Community

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I spend most of my time now at the ABC Dementia Course & Community. Thanks for your patience as I get things set up there cleaned up here. 

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...robust Resource Library,
...message boards, events,
and all the rest!

I'd love to see you there!


Communication in

Understand and communicate better with people with dementia, using behavioral and non-verbal communication.

Written especially for professional caregivers and others working with people with dementia,
ABC Dementia can also offer valuable insight and information for anybody who loves someone with dementia.

Welcome to ABC Dementia!

By Laura Herman, Elder and Dementia Care Professional
April 30, 2020

I have always loved elderly people, and the confused ones have always been my very favorites!

I have worked as an elder care professional for over twenty years in capacities ranging from frontline care, activity therapy, care coordination, administration, family support and staff education. Most of that time I have specialized in memory care.

Over the years I have learned that, not only do I love elders with dementia, I also love sharing information with those who care for them. I like helping to ease the experience and enhance quality of life.

Also, I love writing, so 1+1+1 = this blog!

I plan to focus mainly on behavioral communication, namely deciphering what our loved ones are trying to tell us with their behavior.

(I will probably not be able to resist sneaking in a few other tips and general info about dementia care here and there as well!)

Please let me know if you have any questions or topics you'd like me to cover. I'd be glad to help.


Tracking Behaviors: A Powerful Tool in Dementia Care

Deciphering the Message in Dementia Care
October 06, 2021

Dementia, Loneliness and Connection

Supporting a Sense of Belonging and Connection in People with Dementia
September 01, 2021

Dementia and the Need for Control

Choice and Control are Powerful Forces in Dementia Care
August 04, 2021

Finding the Message
in the Fall

What Falls can Communicate for Someone with Dementia
July 07, 2021 

Dementia and the Meaning of Meaning

What Makes an Activity Meaningful, Anyway? 
June 02, 2021

How to Cause a Catastrophic Reaction

It’s a Wonder People with Dementia Put up with us Caregivers at All!
May 07, 2021

Finding the Rhythm in Dementia Care

Support Best Possible Functioning with the Power of Rhythm

April 02, 2021

Reflections on Mirroring in Dementia

Mirroring to Connect and Communicate in Dementia 

March 05, 2021

Mad to Tears

Anger as a Sign of Depression in Dementia

February 05., 2021

The Problem with PRNs for Pain

Shortcomings of Medicating “as Needed” in Dementia

January 01, 2021

The Language of Touch

Communicating via Touch in Dementia Care

December 04, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Constipation

Supporting Regularity in Dementia Care

November 06, 2020

Growing Proactive

Moving from Reactive Towards Proactive in Dementia Care

October 2, 2020

Wrestling Demons

Supporting Spiritual Healing and Growth in Dementia

September 18, 2020

Yes, And...

A Dementia Caregiver's Guide to Improv

September 04, 2020

Stop Talking!

Improve Communication with Dementia in Three Words or Less

August 21, 2020

The Need to be Needed

How to Help People with Dementia Help People

August 7, 2020

Life After Loss

Supporting Healthy Grieving in Dementia

July 24, 2020

Appreciating Behavioral Communication in Ourselves

Behavioral communication is not exclusive to dementia

July 10, 2020

ABC's of Dementia VIDEO

Wipe that Dopey Grin off Your Face!

What to do when you don't know what to say to someone with dementia

June 26, 2020

ABC's of Dementia VIDEO

Reality is Not What you Think

It's What you Believe it Is

June 12, 2020

ABC's of Dementia VIDEO

"You're Such an Idiot!"

Recognizing Pain in Dementia

May 29, 2020

ABC's of Dementia VIDEO

Telephone Tactics

Tricks of the Trade

May 15, 2020

ABC's of Dementia VIDEO

Behavioral Communication

What is it and Why Would we Appreciate It?

April 30, 2020

ABC's of Dementia VIDEO

ABCs of Dementia
Video Series

Learn about Appreciating Behavioral Communication in Dementia
one short video at a time